Book Langtoft Village Hall for your Event Today!
Wedding Reception, Christening Celebration, Birthday Parties, Anniversaries,
 Meetings, Yoga, Art Classes, Fitness Group, Bingo, Quiz Nights

Click on the Book Hall tab or email our Booking Clerk


What's happening at the Village Hall?

About - The Langtoft Players

The Langtoft Players are an enthusiastic am-dram group who rehearse and perform regularly at the Langtoft Village Hall. Their members come from Langtoft and the surrounding area and they meet throughout the year to produce two or three shows. The group was set up in the 1970s and they pride themselves on a high standard of performance. They have won awards for some of their shows, and been nominated for many more.

The Players Shows are always very popular and sell out quickly.  Please follow the link below to the Langtoft Players website to get full details of their next performance and their booking office!

Oh! - just one more thing!  they are always keen to attract new members so why not take a look around their site to find out more or come along to join in or watch!
Click to Buy Tickets

About - Bumps 2 Four

Meeting at the Langtoft Village Hall
Every Friday 9.30am - 11am  (Only £2 per Family)

Bumps 2 Four aims to provide children, parents and carers in Langtoft (and the surrounding area), with a place to meet, relax and have fun!  They provide a range of activities, including crafts and soft play, designed to entertain and educate babies and toddlers. 

For the grown-ups, they offer the opportunity to meet others in a similar situation, and to share experiences, or just to chat and have a well deserved cup of tea!

As Bumps 2 Four is a community group, they really need your help to make it a success. They theme each weeks activities, usually around a story book or activity, but welcome your ideas, and encourage everyone to take part.
Take a peek at the wonderful and wide ranging activities organised by Bumps2Four at the Langtoft Village Hall - by visiting their Facebook Page!
Bumps2Four Face Book Page

Langtoft Parish Council

To find out more information about the Parish of Langtoft and the business of the Parish Council - please click the link below and you will be redirected to the Langtoft Parish Council Website.

LPC Website
Langtoft Village Hall, 26 West End, Langtoft, Peterborough.  PE6 9LS
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